Contactless facial recognition attendance system
  • Face recognition attendance software
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With our Zoom clone, you can hold video conferences, live meetings, webinars, and more with cutting edge features.
Zoom Clone App Development
What if you were held accountable for every decision that you made since your inception? Would you make different decisions?
A electronic time capsule that you can post any electronic items to store and open at a later date.
  • Time Capsule
  • ...
Moore's law says that computers will surpass human thinking by 2029.  AI from Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and Apple come alive.
What if there was a machine that could produce enough power to continually propel itself indefinitely.
How do we set up a model for creating Internet Service through public/private partnership on a local/regional level?
Modern desktop operating systems are anything but.
Blue Ice is only created in places with the cleanest air in the world. Making blue ice available everyone.
Health, Safety & Compliance Software - helping save worker lives while reducing accidents and regulatory violation costs.
creator subscription app development
  • app like Patreon
  • ...
Developing the worlds first c02 deployed urban life saving apparatus for infrastructure susceptible to catastrophic natural disasters.
On-demand video news feed based on personalization of your interests so you're not subject to what all the media outlets currently force.
A inverse carwash for subway stations where the Sanitation Subway Cart cleans bristles and high pressure nozzles keeps stations clean.
  • Subway Sanitation
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