Cover for On-Demand Video News Feed idea
Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
Time is precious, Media is "Fake", social media is driving public opinion, how do you find creditable news video sources that peak your interests. What if there was a service where you can specify interests and videos could be provided to you in a specified time frame. So let's say you have 30 minutes in the morning where your option is to tune into the television and be fed information by 5 major news source: CBS, Disney, NBC, TimeWarner and Viacom. Now with On-Demand Video News Feed where you can chose your video sources that can create a 30 min segment based on your interests from any sources to get an objective view of your world.
  • News
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There are no easy ways to "traditionally" watch your video programming that can get you started on your day.  There are 5 major companies on television that provide you with the content you are looking for in a short period of time.  People want objective news videos that tell them what's going on in their world but there are currently no easy ways to obtain this information in a timely manner.


On-Demand Video News feed provides your with the objective information you are looking for in your news.  It aggregates your news feeds based on your preferences and provides you a snapshot of what's going on in the world above what the big 5 major companies are willing to share.

User or Customer Base

Customer base is are anyone who is tired of being fed "Fake" news or bias news based on the respective agencies take is on the TRUTH.


This is a highly competitive space but if executed properly there is great opportunity.

Unique Value Proposition

This is very difficult space to enter into but could easily build a great reputation if the aggregator is objective and trust is build with the viewer base.


The On-Demand Video aggragator would need to have a wide variety of news sources for the viewers selection.

Cost Structure

The costs to provide the content could be potentially high based on the channels used to deliever the content.  Costs could be potentially high also based on the content providers requirements.


Revenue could be generated through advertisements throughout the viewers viewing session.  

Success Metrics

The Minimal Viable Product success metrics could be establishing contracts from the smaller news agencies first and work upward.