Cover for Shared Private Chef idea
Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
Restaurants work really hard to determine what to put on their menus to draw in patrons. They frequently elect to a style of food anticipating what would sell and often guessing and checking with specials. What if you could provide a shared chef restaurant with exactly what you are looking for eliminating the need for them to guess. You could go on to a site and choose your options that will be delivered fresh the day you request it to be prepared.
  • Shared Chef
Image for Umergece4 comments


Families are really busy these days and often times people don't have enough time to purchase, prepare, cook and clean for each meal.  If you are cooking for one, often times it's not cost effective because of spoiling food.  If you have a large family, purchasing in bulk saves on costs.  The option to eat out is often limited to great tasting but bad for you options.  Restaurants put these options because they sell.  High in salt, fat and sugar.  There are fewer health options that could taste good and also be good for you like home cooked food.


A restaurant that has multiple chefs that specialize in a type of cuisine.  Where a person could go online and select options for food for the day/week/month or year and their orders would be routed to a sponsored local restaurant where the food would be shipped and prepared the day that you intend on visiting.  The more you schedule orders the cheaper it would be per plate.  So a single person could take advantage of bulk purchases like larger families do by placing a weeks worth of orders.  

User or Customer Base

Single persons, Families and anyone who loves to eat great food.


There isn't a service like this so there is a first mover advatange.  Some potential competitors are Uber Eats (  which deliver food from restaurants.  Blue Apron ( is a service that delivers food to your house but you are left to prepare, cook and clean. 

Unique Value Proposition

Setting up the logistics and onboarding users early could potentially create a first movers advantage.  Scheduled orders would ensure reoccuring revenue.


The order would be created through a website with QR codes for tracking and food orders would be sent to distributors who would schedule the delievery for the specified date.

Cost Structure

The costs would be high to manage all the logistics initially, however, cost could be significantly reduced if a incentivization model is introduced to encourage reoccuring orders.  This would give negotiating power to bring down costs.


A 10% fee could be attached to each order.  The advatanges to the consumer would be that if they setup a reoccuring order with a specified limit then they their order is free. 

Success Metrics

A metric that could be used could be piloting this concept in a metropolian area and establishing a physical pressence.  A variety of Chefs could be higher based on their expertise and order could be taken to confirm the model.  Scaling the concept would prove to be challenging but could be done with the proper execution.