Cover for idea
Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
People are confronted with decisions every day. They meet cross roads where they have to make decisions based on limited information they have on hand. Too frequently the consequences of their decisions may have undesired consequences or adverse effects. Ultimately, weighing on the persons mind. Some extroverts have the ability to express their thoughts but many suppress them and live with them buried. The healthy way is to get it off your chest and from the back burner to the forefront where it can be dealt with to ultimately grow as a person. The platform would help people be healthier, grow, relinquish repressed anger and much more. A site for people to release... Confessionals. Anonymously. Release long stemmed problems to get it off your chest.
  • SAAS
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Solution is a platform that would allow for people to vent all their skeltons that they harbor anonomously to help them deal with them and prevent repression.  The ultimate goal would be to help the person grow from their experiences.  
A person could be generalized as a sum of their actions.  The actions are less important if they were able to learn from them, then their reactions to each subsequent occurance becomes more valuable. 

