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Wireless Charging Base Station

Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
There are so many electronic devices to charge, your cellphones, headsets, watches, gaming controllers, tablets, laptops, etc.  Create a base station that could provide power to each of these devices using technology that Nikolay Tesla invented in 1897.  A single basestation that you place in the center of your house that can charge all these devices in your home.
  • Wireless Charging
Image for Umergece1 comment

Unique Value Proposition

There is a first mover advantage in this space.  The competition may be fierce as Apple has indicated interest in creating a wireless base station in recent months but exact details have not yet been disclosed.  


1 comment

  • Image for Umergece
    Image for Umergece
    Now this is what I call inventive. I've seen and heard of the wireless chargers that you place your phone on but never of one that is able to charge every device in the home from one primary location. This can be a game changer in the technology field and eventually everyday life. One major benefit of this piece of technology is that it would take away from the stress that comes with locating your device chargers. In some cases, you are occupying one side of the home (upstairs) but your device charger is located in another part of the home (downstairs). It can get frustrating, however with a device such as this, everyone can rest at ease knowing that all they have to do is connect to the central charging point. My questions are: 1. Will it in anyways crash if there are too many devices connected? 2. What is the max amount of phones that can be connected at one time?