Cover for Lost to idea
Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
Would you be able to build shelter like the pioneers were able to single handedly? Or would you know how to sustain your own life through agricultural subsistence? We'll if your like most you probably wouldn't. Periodicals and magazines focus on the future but the future is uncertain and what if we had to take a few steps back? Would you know how to survive? Lost to would be a narrative that provides videos of how things were done to get us to where we are now. It also serve as a reminder of what we overcame as a society.
  • History
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Change is growing an increasing rapid pace.  Society is predicated on the experiences one has experience throughout their lifetime.  The things once learned took are taught in a single chapter of a book which may have taken decades to discover.  Most peoples understanding of their world is based on a set of norms that if those norms were not available they wouldn't know what to do.  In order to know where your going... you have to know where you have been.  The internet is full of this information but there are no narratives to put it in context. 
