Cover for 4D Immersive Chair idea
Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
Movie Theaters are having a hard time drawing customers as the experience they provide is being matched in homes. Large screens and advance sounds systems becoming more affordable, they need a new way to compete and drive in customers. 3D immersive experiences are also available for home use. 4D is the next way to get the most immersive movie experience.
  • 4D
  • entertainment
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4D immersive chair provide movie goers with the next generation movie experience.  Just like Apple introduced the iPhone which revelutionized how we consume the digital age. Apple created a phone with a microphone, speaker, camera, gyroscope, GPS, etc and then opened the use of these components to developers to program use cases.  The 4D immersive chair models the same premise.  It has hydrolics that allow movement, motors, gyros, fans, speakers, that any movie studio could add to the timeline of the film to engage the viewer on a 4th dimension.
