Cover for Meditation Centers idea
Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
Salt water float tanks are catching main stream attention for revitalizing the mind, body and soul but their costs are prohibitive for many consumers to afford. Meditation Centers provide these float tanks where customers could come in for an hour session to meditate in these tanks. The salt water also provides healing properties for the body.
  • Meditation
Image for Umergece2 comments


The dawn of the digital age has proven to be challenging for people to adapt to with all the constant notifications and new distractions everywhere you turn, it is becoming more and more overwhelming to most.  Meditation is a practice that is increasing in popularity as the onslaught of the digital age is become more prevalent.  Salt water float tanks have been proven to provide the most effective in creating the most ideal environment for meditation, however, they are cost prohibitive for most consumers.


1 comment

  • Image for Umergece
    Image for Umergece
    This sounds like a very innovative and inspiring idea. It is true that almost all of our day to day transactions take place online or on our technological devices. It becomes challenging to unplug and partake in the now, bask in the present and just regain focus all together. A modern meditation center like what you just described can benefit a number of people in many ways. Help them regain focus, tap into their lifes purpose, provide a safe haven for some and just contribute positively to their overall and total wellness.