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Legally establish the company (LLC, C Corporation, etc) |
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Register your business name (if different than the legal name) |
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Get a Tax ID number for your business (EIN Number) |
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Get a business bank account |
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Register for State/Local taxes (if applicable) |
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Obtain business licenses (if needed to conduct business in your industry) |
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Organize your team |
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Create a business plan (+emerge an idea on Umergence to post your plan) |
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Create a pitch deck |
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Know how much capital you need and exactly how it will be used (be clear, detailed, and transparent) |
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Decide which type of security to offer (equity, debt, convertible debt, revenue sharing, future equity/token) |
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Determine where and what type of investor you want to target (accredited investors only or the general public) |
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Decide your timeline |
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Familiarize yourself with the appropriate securities regulations (Reg CF, Reg A+, Reg D) - comparison |
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Create a company website |
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Create social media profiles for the company |
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Draft press releases and plan distribution channels |
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Create a promotional video |
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Decide a marketing budget and strategy for your campaign |
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+Emerge a new investment campaign |
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Get a CIK number for your company from the Securities and Exchange Commission (you’ll need it for filings) |
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Create the required filings for the SEC and state regulatory agencies (Umergence will walk you through them) |
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Build your campaign page |
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Submit the campaign for review |
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Once reviewed and approved, campaign goes live! |