Cover for Umergence - Feedback idea
Image for Umergece
Image for Umergece
This site was built for the community. It's potential is what we all make of it. Share your thoughts here and the Umergence team will do its best to honor your feedback and comments.
  • umergence
  • feedback
  • new features
Image for Umergece1 comment


Let us know what's working, what's not, and what you'd like to see from the Ideas section.

We are looking to add a map view feature for ideas and campaigns.  The idea behind it is to be able to find ideas that are close to you so that you can join the team that is working on the idea near you.   This can also help with fund raising campaigns because investors may want to specifically help a region so their investments could make a difference for that target region.  Let us know if this is something you would like to see.  Other suggestions would be great too.  Put them in the comments below and we will create a mockup to add it. 


  • Image for Umergece
    Image for Umergece
    Should we add bounties to the ideas section so people can post rewards to solve problems or answer questions?